With any need to recruit employees or promote brands for your business at the Faculty of Business Administration at Ho Chi Minh City Open University, we have a way to help you connect with future human resources and enhance our brand.
Connecting with students - Improving the business
Our students are always very interested in learning about the business model, the brand and the value of the business. Besides, our goal is also to give students and businesses a series of opportunities to connect directly with each other. To do this, in recent years, we regularly organize activities to connect with businesses as follows:
Career Festival: Our annual, career festival is held to create conditions for businesses to contact hundreds of students who are both studying and graduating to be able to find potential candidates. for your business. This is an opportunity for businesses to connect with the most talented students of BAOU.
Carrer Festival
Guest speakers: this is one of the regular cooperation activities between business Faculty of Business Administration. Speakers from esteemed businesses will share experience and career advice with students. The speaker can help students broaden their horizons, while at the same time increasing students' awareness of real outside work.
Ly Nha Ky became the speaker of the Event Characters program
Visiting businesses: businesses can cooperate with the Faculty of Business Administration to organize visits to the factory or office to introduce to students their actual working environment.
Students of Business Administration Faculty during a Yakult factory tour
Solving problems of businesses through case-study: businesses can provide information related to their business (annual reports, documents Company introduction, magazine articles, articles and website addresses...) along with a problem facing businesses so that students can make practical contact and use the theory learned at the school to solve those problems. Enterprises can build their brands as well as find new and useful ideas for their business activities.